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雷竞技好Newbee赞助商Braun Intertec将建筑科学练习扩大到堪萨斯城与新加入理查德麦格尔,PE


明尼阿波利斯,Minn。 -2018年7月25日

雷竞技好Newbee赞助商Braun Intertec,工程,咨询和测试公司与美国中部地区的办事处,很高兴地宣布Richard McGuire,PE已加入我们的lol滚球 雷竞技 。McGuire加入Braun雷竞技好Newbee赞助商 Intertec作为高级工程师建设科学集团与建筑业40年的工程经验,包括结构取证,恢复工程和财产条件调查。McGuire还与他带来了广泛的商业背景,前往布劳恩Intertec,将他作为建筑科学和商业顾问,他们将支持客户的战略目标。雷竞技好Newbee赞助商

“我们很激烈地欢迎富国·互联网技术员工队伍,”布劳恩·国际电联的首席执行官Jon Carlson说。雷竞技好Newbee赞助商“作为一名高级工程师,将在堪萨斯市办事处引领建筑科学实践,富豪独特的背景将在局部建立我们的公司在当地提供各种客户的需求。”

McGuire involvi使得建筑科学项目ng structural forensics investigations as well as testing and condition surveys of concrete, masonry and structural steel structures. He also brings specialized practice expertise in structural corrosion evaluations, foundations stabilization and strengthening of historic and modern construction buildings, parking structures, tunnels, stadiums and retaining walls. Additionally, McGuire has extensive civil and environmental engineering, business development and marketing expertise from his diverse career.

About Braun Intertec

Based in Minneapolis, employee-owned Braun Intertec (www.www.cnsamit.com) is a premier engineering, environmental consulting and testing firm with nearly 1,000 employees located in Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, North Dakota, Texas and Wisconsin. Braun Intertec subsidiaries include Agile Frameworks, LLC, based in Minneapolis, as well as GME Consulting Services, Inc., based in Dallas.