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Trent Whitley, PE Joins Braun Intertec Engineering and Testing Team in Sulphur, Louisiana
特伦特·惠特利,PE Braun I雷竞技好Newbee赞助商ntertec,一家在七个州拥有35个办事处的工程、咨询和测试公司,很高兴地宣布,特伦特·惠特利,PE加入了我们在路易斯安那州的Braun Intertec团队。办公室。惠特利将领导岩土工程团队在该公司的硫磺,洛杉矶。以及德克萨斯州的博蒙特。”“我们很高兴地欢迎特伦特加入我们的员雷竞技的电竞比分网工所有者团队在博朗国际贸易公司说:”乔恩卡尔森,博朗国际贸易公司首席执行官他是一名技术娴熟的工程师,擅长建立客户关系,随着我们在海湾地区的不断扩张,他将成为我们团队的一笔财富。。。
Read More三维场地模型的无人机摄影测量应用:优势和局限性
If a picture says a thousand words, how many words does a 3D model say? Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery and video has been a game changer in many fields, such as building inspections, construction progress monitoring, and surveying damage after disasters. Image and video capture is great, but it is only the beginning of a UAV’s full potential. Using sophisticated algorithms known as photogrammetry, it is possible to turn a series of simple images into a highly detailed and accurate 3D model of the natural and built environment. In short, photogrammetry uses a series of overlapping images taken from...
Read MoreEmployee-Owner Spotlight: Chris Calhoun, Project Engineer, La Porte, Texas
For 2021 Engineers Week we reached out to engineering leaders and up-and-coming engineering leaders at Braun Intertec to learn more about their role, what attracted them to the profession and how they are mentoring the next generation of engineers. Chris Calhoun joined Braun Intertec in April 2020 with 13 years of experience and a noteworthy history of technical excellence in multi-disciplinary geoengineering fields which include geotechnical engineering design and consulting practices; geological exploration; and geohazard mitigation construction. In addition to his geotechnical engineering know-how, Chris is also accomplished in project execution and an integral part of the La Porte, Texas...
Read More领导Spotlight with Kim Macy: Vice President
在2021工程师周,我们联系了Braun Intertec的工程领导和后起之秀,以了解他们的角色、吸引他们加入该行业的原因以及他们如何指导下一代工程师。凭借25年的领导和项目管理经验,金梅西的道路上担任领导雷竞技好Newbee赞助商的布劳恩Intertec中南部工程和测试表明,一个非常成功的职业生涯在工程不是一刀切的。作为布劳恩国际贸易公司的领导者,Kim作为员工所有者、领导者和新人才导师脱颖而出,他们每天都践行着布劳恩国际贸易公司的核心价值观。什么。。。
Read More设计你的职业道路:3个建议,找到你最适合作为一名咨询工程师
Read More它始于土壤:地面储罐施工设计、测试和检验的初始阶段
In the first part of this series, we will discuss initial phases of design and construction inspection for storage tank construction. The Concept As you lay out of your tanks, whether they are in a grid, located along a specific topographic contour, or simply organized to fit to the shape of your property, you will start to see a picture of what your tank farm will eventually look like. Of course, you will also consider tank size, how the product will enter and exit the tanks, and how much they will weigh once in use. As you plan, do you...
Read MoreEmployee-Owner Spotlight: Justin Humke, Business Unit Leader, Des Moines, Iowa
We recently met with Justin Humke, a Business Unit Leader from our South Central region who is based out of our Des Moines, Iowa office to learn how he has grown at Braun Intertec and what it’s like working with his team. What is your role at Braun Intertec?I’m currently a Business Unit Leader for the Upper Midwest region. My background is in geotechnical engineering but I’ve since taken on more of an operational and business development role. Tell us about your background.I studied engineering for a funny reason, actually. I don’t have any family or friends in this...
Read MoreEPA Approves TCEQ Authorization of NPDES Program for Oil and Gas Discharges
On January 15, 2021, the EPA announced approval of Texas’ request to administer the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program for discharges from produced water, hydrostatic test water and gas plant effluent or oil and gas discharges within the state of Texas. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) will take over responsibility of permitting authority for the discharges of oil and gas activities, pipelines, and natural gas processing plants formerly under the jurisdiction of the Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC). The Addendum to the Memorandum of Agreement (between the TCEQ and EPA, Region 6 is available on the EPA website...
Read MoreNew Minnesota Critical Habit Plate Brings Light to Endangered Species Protection
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