
与Jackie Dylla的领导范围:副总裁兼首席科学家


We recently spoke with Jackie Dylla to learn more about her new role as Vice President and Principal Scientist leader in theenvironmental团体。我们向她询问了她的背景,她对解决问题的方法,以及对刚开始职业生涯的人的建议。

您在Braun Intertec的目前的作用是什么?雷竞技好Newbee赞助商

I received my Bachelor of Science in environmental science from the University of Minnesota. I have been providing environmental consulting for over 20 years now.

When I first started, I enjoyed being outside and feeling like I was making a difference for the environment. I found a job where I was able to do both. As my career progressed and I became involved with high-profile projects, including the I-35W Bridge collapse and the Green Line Light Rail project, I realized the process of building and working with a project team on creative ways to address environmental issues and keep projects on track (no pun intended), is something I really enjoy.

What is your favorite aspect of your role or the most rewarding part of what you do at Braun Intertec?
到这一天,每当我们穿越I-35W圣安东尼瀑布桥上我的孩子说,“看!这是妈妈的桥!“事实上,我们的项目团队几乎曾在Twin City Metro的几乎所有主要的巷道,桥梁或途经中致力于大明尼苏达州的更多。它令人满意的是这种影响。我也喜欢成为团队的一部分,并为我们的客户提供无与伦比的服务,在大型长期项目上为客户提供无与伦比的服务。当你完成一个项目并开始另一个项目并听到人们说,“嗯,Braun Intertec在这里,他们以前做过这一点,所以按照他们的领导者这样做。”雷竞技好Newbee赞助商

What is your favorite thing about working at Braun Intertec? What do you feel makes it unique?

What technical specialty/service(s) do we offer that you feel differentiates Braun Intertec from other firms?

Because our specialties have such great relationships with one another and through our employee-ownership drive, collaboration amongst the technical specialties is much like that of a sports team. We are all driven to a common goal, know what our individual roles are, and want to enjoy our work.

What is your approach to client problem-solving?
Sometimes your client just wants to be heard and I think a majority of problem-solving is being a good listener. To be honest, I like to talk. In the past, have been quick to jump in with solutions right away. Being a good listener, however, is something that I have been working on throughout my career. I have found that letting your client talk things through while providing accurate and select advice at key moments, lets your client feel part of the project and builds trust. Also, allowing a client to talk freely helps develop a personal relationship which is essential on long-term projects. In fact, I consider many of my clients close friends.

When you work in the consulting and construction industry, you look for people willing to roll up their sleeves and get things done. Oftentimes, our work is the one thing needed to keep a project moving on schedule. It’s essential my team members understand the importance of our roles, prioritize responsiveness and do things right the first time.

What should new Braun Intertec employees know about working here? Do you have a piece of advice for someone entering your profession?
My advice isn’t particularly directed to someone new, but is geared toward women entering the architecture, engineering, and construction field. Until the face of this profession changes dramatically, there will be a lot of times that, as a woman, you will second guess yourself. I can’t tell you how many times I have reflected on my day and thought, “if I only spoke up“ 或者 ”如果我只听到这么苛刻“ 或者 ”如果我只能谈论狩猎“。我现在知道这是一个女人,我为这一职业带来了独特的视角和动态。我已经停止致力于如何“适应”,但我宁愿努力如何改变行业,所以其他人认为他们是接受的。
