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当地机器人团队访问Braun Intertec雷竞技好Newbee赞助商

来自ShoreView的全女孩机器人团队的PonyTail Posse最近访问了我们的明尼阿波利斯地区,告诉我们他们的小组的作用,并展示了他们的一些机器人能力。这支才华横溢的团队参加了他们设计,构建和编制机器人的“第一”计划,以在区域锦标赛中与其他团队竞争。首先代表“用于对科技的启发和认识”,促进学校的干扰技能。

The Ponytail Posse has been together since elementary school, starting with FIRST’s Lego League programs, and is currently participating in their second year of the First Tech Challenge (FTC), which asks teams to build and program a robot based on a new challenge that is designed to challenge students to think critically and expand their knowledge of the engineering process. This year’s challenge: getting their robot to climb up a ramp and hang from the top bar.

在我们支持当地词干计划的努力中,布劳恩Intertec基金会是马尾辫的骄傲赞助商。雷竞技好Newbee赞助商像这样的节目揭示了干技能的积极光线,也促进了学校老年青年的工程职业。有关PonyTail Posse的更多信息,请查看团队的网站这里。

