
New Minnesota Critical Habit Plate Brings Light to Endangered Species Protection



The monarch butterfly is a well-known species that occurs widely throughout the lower 48 states and southern Canada. This species is remarkable for an insect because it migrates from the Canada and the United States to overwintering areas in Mexico. Each adult butterfly lives four to five weeks, so multiple generations are required to complete the annual migration cycle. The monarch butterfly was recently reviewed for listing as threatened or endangered species in response to petitions submitted to the US Fish & Wildlife Service. The service declined to list the species for protection in December 2020, although it noted that recent declines in the abundance of the species justified listing under the Endangered Species Act. Listing was precluded because of higher priority listing actions of other species. The service will review the status annually. Many stressors that affect the rusty patched bumble bee also affect the monarch butterfly such as habitat loss, pesticides, and climate change.

Braun Intertec提供的许多自然资源服务之一是筛选提议的雷电竞首页项目,以潜在影响威胁和濒危物种。雷竞技好Newbee赞助商任何评估的第一步是桌面审查。我们咨询州和联邦数据库以确定项目区域中已知受保护的物种,然后使用空中照片和现场照片来确定网站上存在什么类型的栖息地。这一步骤赞美Braun Intertec提供的现有服务,这些服雷电竞首页务需要现场访问,例如I阶段环境网站评估和雷竞技好Newbee赞助商湿地描绘。有关土地利用和陆地覆盖的注意事项与照片和空中照片相结合,提供了有价值的信息,以帮助我们的科学家描述栖息地或潜在栖息地。

The next step in our assessment is to compare the list of possible protected species and their habitat requirements with the list of habitats present. Frequently, we can make a definitive determination that a given endangered species is not present because the habitat is not present. In fact, most reviews for protected species end there. Because of past land use or disturbance, it may be obvious that there is no way a species could utilize that land as habitat – such as tree-roosting bats on sites with no woody vegetation or aquatic species on sites with no lakes, rivers, or ponds. Occasionally, our consultants find that the habitat of a species could be present on a site, and site surveys by a knowledgeable biologist may be required. If a protected species is present and may be impacted by a project, we can assist with obtaining an Incidental Take Permit and developing appropriate avoidance and mitigation measures.

在生锈的补丁蜜蜂的情况下,我们使用由Xerxes Society开发的方法,并由美国鱼类和野生动物服务建议评估适当栖息地存在的可能性。这些方法考虑了网站条件,例如当地植物和天然植物社区的存在,这将具有蜜蜂取决于的最大丰富的花卉资源。其他重要因素是存在地下越冬洞穴的部位,且荒凉的土地使用,如草坪草,不可渗透的土地覆盖和农药使用区域。异地因素也很重要,例如附近未开发的土地或原生植物种群。这些因素被认为是因为蜜蜂是移动生物,并且存在于可能在多个地点上觅食和洞穴栖息地的区域群体中存在。

Unlike traditional views of threatened and endangered species, the occurrence of the rusty patched bumble bee and monarch butterfly frequently corresponds with human populations. The increasing popularity of native plants in landscaping provides important habitat and resources for these two species, as well as dozens of other pollinator species. This contrasts with some protected species, such as the grizzly bear or Florida manatee, that are associated with wilderness or unique habitats.

When habitat for protected pollinators is found on a project site, we offer recommendations to avoid or minimize impacts to these pollinators, such as retaining areas of native plants, or recommendations to enhance their habitat, such as incorporating native plants into landscape designs.

雷竞技好Newbee赞助商Braun Intertec提供受威胁和濒危物种和候鸟的评估,以遵守各种联邦和州法院。这些评估是必要的,因为联邦许可证的条件(如工程师湿地许可证),以支持所需的计划(如雨水污染预防计划,SWPPP),或作为环境审查的一部分(国家环境政策法令(NEPA)或明尼苏达州环境政策法(MEPA)所需的环境评估(EA)或环境影响陈述(EIS)。

有关受威胁或濒危物种的更多信息,请联系Daniel DeJoode或者Brady Turkand join them in our upcoming webinar, Wading through the Swamp: Wetlands, Endangered Species, and Environmental Assessments, on February 25thto learn more.

Daniel Dejoode,Ph.D.Senior Scientist

P: 952.995.2459