In April 2020, the USACE and EPA published a final rule in the Federal Register entitled “Navigable Waters Protection Rule” (NWPR公司)这完善了美国水域的定义(沃图斯) and jurisdictional wetlands under the Clean Water Act (CWA). When the CWA was passed in the early 1970s with the objective to “restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity” of the nation’s waters, Congress explained how to define those waters. Recognizing WOTUS has been left to executive branch agencies, in particular the EPA and USACE, and to federal courts. As a result, the definition of WOTUS has undergone frequent changes in the nearly 50-year history of the CWA. The latest change took effect this week, effective on June 22, 2020.
- The territorial seas and traditional navigable waters.
- Perennial and intermittent tributaries to those waters.
- Certain lakes, ponds, and impoundments.
- 毗邻管辖水域的湿地。
- 不属于上述四类“美国水域”的水体。
- Groundwater, including groundwater drained through subsurface drainage systems, such as drains in agricultural lands.
- 短暂的特征,包括短暂的溪流、洼地、冲沟、细沟和池塘。
- 在高地上扩散雨水径流和定向片状流。
- Many farm and roadside ditches.
- Prior converted cropland.
- 人工灌溉的地区,包括因农业生产而被淹没的农田,如果停止对该地区的灌溉用水,这些地区将恢复为高地。
- 在高地或非管辖水域建造或挖掘的人工湖泊和池塘,包括蓄水水库和农场、灌溉、牲畜浇灌和原木清理池塘。
- 在高地或非管辖水域建造或挖掘的充满水的洼地(采矿或施工活动附带的),以及在高地或非管辖水域挖掘的坑(用于获取填料、砂或砾石)。
- Stormwater control features excavated or constructed in upland or in non-jurisdictional waters to convey, treat, infiltrate, or store stormwater run-off.
- 在高地或非管辖水域建造的地下水补给、水再利用和废水回收结构,包括滞留、滞留和渗透盆地和池塘。
- Waste treatment systems, which have been excluded from the definition of “Waters of the United States” since 1979, will continue to be excluded under the final rule. Waste treatment systems are defined for the first time in this rule.
Approved Jurisdictional Determinations (or AJDs) that were issued under the 2015 Clean Water Act Rule will remain valid for five years after the issuance date. Project proposers and landowners can request a revised AJD under the new rule, if they desire. A revised AJD may find some isolated wetlands to be non-jurisdictional under the new rule, however local and State regulations should also be considered to determine if a revised AJD request would be beneficial.
Local & State Regulations
Several states and local government units impose additional protections on wetlands, streams, and other aquatic features that are separate from federal regulations. These regulations vary by location and often overlap with local and state regulations but require different permitting and approval process and timelines. Early planning and consideration of these aquatic resources should be discussed with an environmental professional to determine the best approach in achieving your project goals while adhering to all applicable water resource regulations.
Braun Intertec has experienced scientists that perform wetland delineations, can distinguish between regulated and non-regulated wetlands and streams, and can assist clients in working with regulatory agencies to meet permitting requirements and project timelines.