

“Houston, we’ve got a problem.”If your company is one of the many thousands that handles hazardous or dangerous materials, whether in solid or liquid form, those words are one of the last things you want to hear, especially if it means that you had a spill at one of your company’s facilities. But spills do happen and your level of preparedness, training, and response during the first few minutes or hours after a release occurs will have a huge effect on the eventual outcome, including:

  1. The overall magnitude of the impacts
  2. The cleanup costs
  3. The public’s perception of your company

Preparedness begins by evaluating the materials you handle at a facility and developing a spill response plan that defines how to respond to a spill safely. Your spill plan must evaluate the physical and chemical hazards of materials used at that facility, identify appropriate protective equipment for the spill response team, and evaluate the local environmental conditions. Then, based on the initial hazard evaluation, you need to identify and procure the necessary spill response equipment and support resources, and finally, you need to train your staff how to respond.


The initial response during those first few minutes after a spill occurs is critical and can have a far-reaching effect on the eventual outcome. It is necessary to quickly assess key aspects of the release including:

  • The volume and type of material spilled
  • The media impacted
  • The local topography (i.e. direction of flow)
  • 邻近的土地使用
  • Sensitive receptors in the area
  • Wind direction
  • Identifying and making the required notifications.

这正是为什么Braun Intertec为什雷竞技好Newbee赞助商么创建了一个集成的多学科快速响应团队(RRT)。利用多年的泄漏反应经验,我们可以教授您的员工如何评估您的溢出响应需求,并帮助您设置自己的溢出响应计划。通过关键的团队成员和第一次响应承包商,定位靠近石油和天然气生产领域,我们的RRT准备在需要我们时动员到您的网站。通过经验覆盖井垫,罐电池,管道,气体处理设施,炼油厂,地下储罐,交通事故甚至室内危险材料溢出,我们拥有所需的人员和工具,以响应,评估和清理所有的溢出陆地和水的尺寸。

When you work with Braun Intertec you can feel confident that your spill will be addressed quickly, safely, and in accordance with the regulatory requirements. For more information about our spill response capabilities contact Billy Gamblin.

William Gamblin,PEAssociate Principal, Senior Engineer

P: 512.484.2033