过去的周末我们的一些布劳恩Intertec员工们走了出去雷竞技好Newbee赞助商作品博物馆参加2019年的Tech Fest,一年一度的家庭工程和技术展。该活动特征在于各种双城区的企业,非营利,教育机构和公司的实际工程师和科学家领导的数十名动手和活动。
雷竞技好Newbee赞助商布劳恩Intertec感到自豪成为赞助商year’s event and also lead a demonstration where we asked kids to “save the beach”. For this demonstration, we reproduced a beach erosion scenario and asked kids to engineer measures to mitigate the erosion. As part of the exercise, we talked about how beach erosion impacts nearby houses, structures, animal habitats and the water quality in the ocean. Our friends at Science from Scientists helped us brainstorm the topic and provided the needed materials for the demonstration, which are all common items found around the
Tech Fest是儿童和家庭的令人惊叹的机会,通过有趣的项目的创造性滋养来探索工程职业的可能性。Tech Fest是一项年度活动,庆祝全国工程师周,但作品博物馆通过互动展览和计划全年为儿童提供令人兴奋的体验。雷竞技好Newbee赞助商Braun Intertec非常自豪地支持这些促进科学,技术,工程和数学职业的活动。