两项项目Braun Int雷竞技好Newbee赞助商ertec在2020 Minnesota Brownfields Rescape颁奖活动中参加了最近获得奖项。每年,Rescape奖项认识到反映创新,协作和典范结果的项目在振兴以前受污染的土地。
在十名决赛中,Braun Intertec在雷竞技好Newbee赞助商两个获奖者的项目团队上:Union平板公寓,赢得了环境影响奖励 - 大型项目,明尼苏达州传动医疗校园,赢得了经济影响奖 - 大型项目和创新奖。
联盟单位 - 环境影响奖 - 大型项目

雷竞技好Newb 雷竞技的电竞比分网1;e赞助商Braun Intertec作为环境顾问和岩土工程师为新的,经济实惠的过境式开发公寓社区称为联盟公寓在明尼苏达州圣保罗。Union Flats由217家住宅组成,拥有四层楼的一层地下停车建设。
Union Slows曾经回到Blaugus公司,散装石油储存设施和狩猎电气。由于超过一个世纪的商业和工业用途,该网站有许多环境问题。雷竞技好Newbee赞助商Braun Intertec与重建活动同时完成了多种响应行动,包括在前结构中拆除含石棉的材料,处理超过34,000吨污染的土壤,并修复含有数千加仑的石油和酚醛的意外埋藏的坦克/拱顶受影响的液体,固体/污泥和碎片。我们的顾问还安装了一个子板蒸汽缓解系统,以防止潜在的蒸汽侵入到新建筑中。
Braun Intertec also helped obtain cleanup funding from multiple grant sources to help offset remediation costs. The project generated more than 200 construction jobs during its duration and the net property value change between before and after redevelopment is $38,000,000. The development of Union Flats has transformed a formerly contaminated and underutilized site into a unique housing project that has addressed affordable housing needs in the community and provided multi-modal transportation options for commuting residents.

明尼苏达州推动医疗校园 - 经济影响奖 - 大型项目和创新奖

Braun Intertec provided environmental services throughout the Minnesota Drive Medical Campus project, including Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs); Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Brownfields Program guidance and requirements; Response Action Plan preparation and implementation; and assistance with obtaining and administering over $800,000 in environmental cleanup grants from DEED and the Metropolitan Council. The site was undeveloped land until the mid-1950s and then was part of an aggregate mining operation and landfill (i.e., part of the historic “France Avenue Dump”) until the early 1960s.
The site was redeveloped with a three-story medical office building, a two-level parking ramp, a stormwater management system, and associated paved parking. Contaminated soil was encountered across the majority of the site, and included petroleum impacts and various landfill debris, including glass, brick, concrete, lumber, demolition debris, plastics, rubber, tires, textiles, ceramics, and ash. Environmental cleanup activities included excavation and off-site disposal of 20,453 tons of impacted soil, including 1,837 tons of asbestos-containing waste. A methane mitigation system was installed beneath the new building to prevent methane accumulation and intrusion.

Braun is proud to have served as the consultant of choice for these ReScape award winners. To watch the awards event, click这里。