当有人堕落或痛苦时,一个人的第一个本能就是立即跳进去帮助。但是,评估情况至关重要,以确定您是否可能将自己暴露于不受欢迎的风险或危险。如果一个第一个响应者没有花一点时间来评估情况,以确保该地区要安全进入,那么他们可能会在试图帮助别人时自己伤害自己。如果你和他们一起受伤,你就无法帮助别人!在急于向有需要的助理提供援助时,我已经看到人们自己摔倒了,滑倒,呼吸在相同的化学烟雾中,受伤的受伤暴露,并不能使用个人防护设备(PPE)。一个潜在的暴露区域暴露于响应者与易于转移的血腥病毒有关,受害者甚至可能甚至不知道它们携带(例如,无症状感染)。这就是为什么在帮助受伤的同事之前放慢速度的PPE - 或者真正有人 - 应始终是保持安全的优先事项。任何人想要在工作场所想要的一件事是一个有价值的员工和朋友,在回应紧急情况时受伤或收缩疾病。
Bloodborne pathogens, as defined by OSHA, refer to pathogenic microorganisms that are present in human blood and can cause disease in humans. These include hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). These viruses are spread when contaminated blood comes into contact with broken skin, cuts, or other mucus membranes. The most common type of exposure to bloodborne pathogens is through needlesticks, usually occurring in the medical field. In an industrial setting, the most common type of exposure is first responders coming into contact with the blood of an injured employee. Employers are responsible for providing the proper PPE and training for its proper use. Examples of PPE that might be useful in preventing workplace exposures to bloodborne pathogens include: gloves, gowns, aprons, eye and face shields, goggles, and mouthpieces for resuscitation.
OSHA requires bloodborne pathogen training and an Exposure Control Plan (ECP) to eliminate or minimize exposure to bloodborne pathogens while in the workplace. Many companies have in-house emergency response teams or first responder trained employees that will help injured workers. Custodial staff are unfortunately often overlooked, but if they are responsible for cleaning up after an accident, they too have an exposure risk. These workers must go through bloodborne pathogen training and review the Exposure Control Plan to help protect themselves from exposure to potentially contaminated bodily fluids.
If you do not have a bloodborne pathogen policy, procedure or an ECP, Braun Intertec can help you with that. For more information, please click the link below to fill out our Contact Us form.