When starting a project how often do you bring your geotechnical engineer and environmental consultant to the same table? This approach is often overlooked but with some forethought, you can save significant time, money and improve project results if you combine environmental and geotechnical investigations on your next project.
Watch our environmental consulting and geotechnical engineering experts Jackie Dylla, CHMM and Josh Kirk, PE, dive into how combining environmental and geotechnical investigations can enhance your project during planning and site development phases.
Learn more about:
- Getting the most out of your soil borings on projects
- When geotechnical recommendations have environmental implications and when environmental recommendations can have geotechnical ramifications
- How planning in advance with two complementary disciplines will enhance project outcomes
- Case studies on projects that have included both disciplines from the outset and resulting project benefits
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Jackie Dylla, CHMM
在环境咨询领域拥有20多年,Jackie拥有丰富的经验,可以从初始项目设计阶段到建造的“转钥匙”方法的项目。她在整个职业生涯中,她也是几个高调项目的关键会员,包括I-35W桥折叠和绿线轻轨项目。杰基也是一名积极的成员,包括若干专业附属机构,包括WTS - 推进交通工具,明尼苏达卫队师和工程师协会(MSES)和美国工程公司理事会(ACEC)。

Account Leader, Senior Engineer
Josh Kirk拥有19年的岩土和建筑材料检测领域经验,为私人和公共客户提供专业的咨询雷竞技的电竞比分网服务。雷电竞首页乔希曾在众多道路和公用事业改进和建筑项目上工作。Josh作为Braun Intertec的Transit Market部门领导者,在此作用中担任雷竞技好Newbee赞助商占地几个大型交通工具的岩土工程顾问。雷竞技的电竞比分网乔希斯在大型项目团队中致力于努力,协调设计师和墓地工程师之间的努力。他的建筑材料检验和测试经验使他不仅可以从岩土直观的角度来提供有价值的洞察,而且可以从岩土角度来看,而是从建设性和成本效率的观点来看。雷竞技的电竞比分网