Soil compaction is vital to the success of almost any construction project. Despite given design standards and specifications, the testing and verification of materials used in soil compaction can sometimes be overlooked or tested less frequently than desired. Using improper materials or methods during soil compaction can lead to foundation and slab cracks, soil erosion, utility pipe leakage/breaks, or trench settlement. It is important that the earthwork contractor and the materials testing agency communicate throughout the project to provide the best results for their client(s).
Each lift of soil used for structural, site grading, or trench backfill should be tested to confirm that compaction requirements are met and material types being used are consistent with the geotechnical report.
Sometimes proper compaction is overlooked on projects where it actually is necessary. For example, a utility contractor may not think that the backfill for a water main trench needs to be tested because it appears to be in ‘green space’ far away from the new building structure. But, in reality, the material in the trench will support exterior pavement. If the material is placed without being tested by the testing agency, it may lead to cracking in the pavement.
然而,土壤压实测试涉及确定是否满足或超过指定的土壤压实百分比。除了记录土壤水分和密度外,Braun Intertec技术人员训练雷竞技好Newbee赞助商observe various factors. If any of the following factors cause delays or test failures, our licensed professional engineers may ask further questions to provide recommendations to the project team and keep the project moving.
What do our technicians and engineers consider when assessing soil compaction?
- 材料类型– Is the material being compacted free of organics and debris? Is the correct Proctor being used or has the material changed? Are there any permeability concerns for this layer?
- 升降厚度– Is the contractor placing soil layers in the lift thicknesses recommended by the geotechnical engineer? Has each lift been tested for moisture-density?
- 水分- 是原规范内土壤的水分含量吗?在测试后,天气事件会影响土壤层吗?Clayey土壤需要干燥吗?
- 压实方法——设备被使用d provide the correct type of compaction for this material (vibration, impact, pressure)? Do additional compactor passes improve the compaction test results? Is the subgrade below the new fill stable and provide a surface to compact against?
通过Braun Intertec技术人员和工程师观察和评估的这些因素,您可以确信新的土壤填雷竞技好Newbee赞助商充沿着您的堤防,或在您的路面下放在您的建筑基础下方。
If you would like to learn more about the science behind soil compaction. Click the button below to sign up for our webinar, “Soil Compaction Fundamentals: Understand the Science Behind Soil Testing”.
Ben Butler, PE爱荷华州Project Engineer
P: 319.365.0961E:[电子邮件受保护]