我们最近从我们的NDE运营经理遇见了Ken LeblancLa Porte,德克萨斯州办事处to learn about his professional background, expertise in非破坏性测试他喜欢成为Braun Intertec员工所有者的最佳选择。雷竞技好Newbee赞助商
Tell us about your background
I actually went to school to become a professional journalist but what eventually led me to nondestructive testing (NDT) was my concern for where I lived. When I was younger, I saw how material and process failures caused risks to life, property and futures. I felt a more noble career path would be to work on a team that addressed those issues. I considered a mechanical engineering path where I could get involved in inspections and failure analysis of the plants. But I found NDT to be a field where people had tons of experience and knowledge on top of being tangible.
I got into the quality assurance side of things which goes through the codes and specifications and makes sure they are being followed. With that knowledge, I could show individuals the correct way to do things and make sure we do our due diligence. That’s also what inspired me to get my level-III certifications.
How do your level-III certifications enhance your expertise?
Also, some clients simply choose the absolute least costly way and others desiring a full gamut of tests that were overlapping and still failing to accomplish the desired (or required) demonstration of quality at much higher costs. That’s where I need to step in and make sure that the desired method(s) are actually the most effective way to do it. When you have a level-III, you also develop a certain level of trust with clients and want to be able to demonstrate your technical expertise.
使用五个NDT方法,我必须提供客户的方法,以符合时间和支出要求,同时帮助他们确认他们符合其代码要求。我的其他专业是在计算的射线照相中,刚刚开始起飞。Wesley Soape, another level-III here in La Porte, and I have that in common which is helpful.
什么将Braun I雷竞技好Newbee赞助商ntertec与我们在墨西哥湾沿岸的竞争对手 -
Braun Intertec also has a fantastic training program for our NDT technicians. It helps us address some of the bad habits that technicians might bring with them and confirm Braun Intertec technicians do everything the same way, every time no matter who is on the job.
What do you look for in an NDT technician?
How do you approach mentorship of your team?
在技术方面的技术方面,如果他们问我一个问题,我会给他们30分钟的批判 - 这就是我的方式!然而,当他们职业生涯的新人主动提出问题并寻求建立关系时,我真的很感激。我也鼓励我的团队尝试新事物并帮助他们弄清楚如何应用新技能。
How does safety play a role in your day-to-day work?
Safety is extremely important. We work in areas that have multiple hazards that are addressed but still require a high level of personal responsibility to remain safe. We work on boats in life jackets, tied-off on elevated structures and in areas that are excavated. Which is to say, they are all serious conditions where safety is essential. We need to keep safety as our number one responsibility and priority on and off the job. Braun Intertec is good at that, in my opinion.
What does employee ownership mean to you?
It means that my actions are just as important as those of an entry level employee or our corporate leadership. We are all owners on the same team. It’s a rewarding feeling!