Rosalie Balderaz: Houston Materials Lab Coordinator
我们坐下来与Rosalie Balderaz,他是从我们的德克萨斯州休斯顿的办公室工作的材料实验室协调员。我们采访了一些关于她的专业背景,角色和经验的更多信息,作为Braun Intertec员工。雷竞技好Newbee赞助商
我开始在布劳恩Intert雷竞技好Newbee赞助商ec几乎两个years ago as a level three geotechnical lab technician, and I recently got promoted as the materials lab coordinator, which means I essentially run the geotechnical lab. Currently, I am learning how to do specialty testing on top of my other lab duties. I also do the day-to-day lab tests and, when I have time, data entry.
My mom has been in the business for about 30 years. I remember when I was in middle school I would walk to her lab after school and she would let me help with the small stuff or make mud pies. When I was in high school, I started working in a lab as my summer job, which is how I saved money to buy my first car. I realized that it was a good way to make money, so I was eventually able to pay my way through college. I ended up liking this more than what I went to college for, so I came back and started to do it full time. I’ve been working in labs like this full time for about 18 years.
Have you worked at similar firms in the past?
What is your favorite thing about your job?
I don’t want to say that I am my own boss but, in some ways I am. I get to work independently. My supervisor comes in, checks on me, tells me good morning then trusts me to do my work. He gives me my assignments and I just go. If I have any questions I can ask about it but besides that, I just run my tests and get results out quickly.
Have you worked with any co-ops yet?
Yes, last year I had two co-ops for about two months, before they went back to college. They were both engineering students. I’ve been able to work with co-ops again this year, as well as train in another full-time helper for the past eight months.
How was your experience working with co-ops?