建筑围墙更复杂和更少的forgiving than ever before. From assembly in the field under any weather condition to tradespeople who report to different contractors assembling the structure with minimal oversight, the list of variables that accompanies the construction of a structure is lengthy. When it’s all said and done, how can you verify the finished structure, enclosure systems and the systems’ installation will meet the project requirements?
Watch as our building enclosure commissioning expert, Andre Lehr from our Houston, Texas office, dives into building enclosure commissioning and what architects, contractors and project managers should keep in mind as they plan, construct and maintain high performance structures.
- What goes into building enclosure commissioning and why it’s important
- 合格的建筑委托委员会将为您的项目带来什么
- 如何将调试集成到项目的每个阶段
- Common building enclosure failures and testing methods
Complete the form below to watch a recording of the webinar.

安德烈·雷克尔,CXA +是,LEED BD + C.
南中央商业部门经理 - 建筑和结构科学集团
安德雷莱尔斯是我们建筑和结构科学集团的南部中央商务部门经理。凭借22年的经验作为高级项目经理和顾问,Andre为大型复杂项目提供了专业服务,涉及机械,电气和管道(MEP)系统,建筑物和现有设施LEED O&M认证的调试和设计。雷电竞首页他的项目经验包括工业,医疗保健和教育设施,他参与了计划和项目管理的各个方面。