We sat down with Shane Nance, Amarillo Business Unit Leader, to learn more about how he and his team works together, their project expertise and why they love working at Braun Intertec.
What kind of services and projects does theAmarillooffice focus on?
We primarily focus onconstruction materials testing(CMT) andgeotechnical engineeringin our office and work on projects that vary from universities to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to government facilities. However, TxDOT is probably the driving force behind our work in Amarillo. We work on quite a few ISD projects for Amarillo and the small towns around and were selected to work on a new court building in Potter County, which kicks-off soon.
What makes Braun Intertec different than our competitors in the Amarillo region?
The expertise that Braun Intertec brings as an entire company really benefits our team in Amarillo. In fact, we are the only accredited lab in this whole area—you might have to travel 200 to 300 miles to find the next nearest one. Our lab in Amarillo is accredited by TxDOT and AASHTO. Given the smaller size of our office, we also have a set of highly trained technicians: five senior technicians and two junior technicians. We’re working on getting more of our higher-level technicians through additional certifications like ICC. It’s a differentiator we like to encourage with our team.
How does Amarillo work with our Texas offices and our other offices companywide?
根据项目所在的位置,我们办事处的管理人员始终联系并分享CMT技术人员。例如,Kevin Williams我经常谈论不同的项目,我们在我们的办公室之间分享这些机会和技术人员。真的,这就是我们在技术人员和项目方面的所有办事处如何工作。
How far from Amarillo does your office projects?
I would say 200 miles. We generally serve Texas, New Mexico and Oklahoma areas.
Contact the Amarillo Team