
MPCA Announces Vapor Intrusion Stakeholder Advisory Group

2018年3月,明尼苏达州污染控制局(MPCA)宣布成立一个蒸汽入侵利益相关者咨询小组,为MPCA制定其最佳管理实践(BMP)以缓解明尼苏达州商业和工业地产的蒸汽入侵提供意见。利益相关者咨询小组由若干受影响行业的个人组成,包括商业房地产和再开发、非营利组织、商业贷款机构、赠款机构、法律公司、国家机构和环境顾问。来自Braun Intertec的项目工程师Kaitlin Thell Ouverson受MPCA邀请,成为蒸汽入侵利益相关者咨询小组环境咨询行业代表的三人之一。雷竞技好Newbee赞助商

Mitigation of potential chemical vapor intrusion into buildings is a concern in many states as they seek to protect the indoor air for building occupants located near contaminated soil and groundwater sites, including brownfield sites undergoing redevelopment. Braun Intertec engineers have been designing and implementing蒸汽缓解系统for buildings located on and near contaminated sites for over 20 years. With new research and guidance documents released by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the MPCA has been revising BMPs for investigation and mitigation of contaminated soil vapors. To date, the MPCA has developed investigation requirements for all occupied structures and BMPs for vapor intrusion mitigation of single-family residential structures.

So, what’s next?

The first Vapor Intrusion Stakeholder Advisory Group meeting is scheduled for mid-April 2018 and the group’s goal is to release a BMP for vapor intrusion mitigation of commercial and industrial properties in the fall of 2018.

How can I contribute to the BMP development process?

For more information on the Stakeholder Advisory Group or how you can provide your input to the BMP development, contact Kaitlin Thell Ouverson at[电子邮件保护]或参观MPCA的信息网站.

Want to learn more about vapor intrusion mitigation?

Check out our webinar where we discuss the design and operation of passive and active vapor mitigation sub-slab ventilation systems在这里.