木框架结构是框架多家庭结构中最常见的系统之一,但它通常尚不清楚如何达到特殊检查,FireStopping和Sound Building信封的代码和标准。如果没有遵循,如果您知道在设计和施工阶段期间寻找什么时,这些结构面临的问题是昂贵的 - 可预防的。看看特殊检查员和建筑信封专家在我们的录音网络研讨会上展示了特殊检查员和建筑信封专家的幕后,我们与我们的建筑和结构科学专家,杰森汉隆,体重,MSLE ......
Read More木框架结构是框架多家庭结构中最常见的系统之一,但它通常尚不清楚如何达到特殊检查,FireStopping和Sound Building信封的代码和标准。如果没有遵循,如果您知道在设计和施工阶段期间寻找什么时,这些结构面临的问题是昂贵的 - 可预防的。看看特殊检查员和建筑信封专家在我们的录音网络研讨会上展示了特殊检查员和建筑信封专家的幕后,我们与我们的建筑和结构科学专家,杰森汉隆,体重,MSLE ......
Read More什么是建筑物围栏?在我们潜入建筑物委托的概念之前,让我们首先挖掘建筑物围栏。他们是什么和零件弥补了完整的外壳?建筑外壳由建筑的屋顶,墙壁,窗户,门和基层系统组成。这包括所有材料,部件,系统和组件,其功能是将建筑物内部与外部分离。建筑箱旨在密封,防水,节能,有时是凡好的安全问题。什么是建筑机箱调试(BECX)?建筑外壳调试,经常......
Read MoreBuilding enclosures are more complex and less forgiving than ever before. From assembly in the field under any weather condition to tradespeople who report to different contractors assembling the structure with minimal oversight, the list of variables that accompanies the construction of a structure is lengthy. When it’s all said and done, how can you verify the finished structure, enclosure systems and the systems’ installation will meet the project requirements? Watch as our building enclosure commissioning expert, Andre Lehr from our Houston, Texas office, dives into building enclosure commissioning and what architects, contractors and project managers should keep in mind...
Read MoreA Phased Approach to Conditions Assessments, Testing and Repairs Consulting Many concrete grain storage silos, load-out structures and storage bins in operation at agricultural storage and processing facilities across the Midwest are aging. As a facility owner, you might look at your critical structures and wonder, “How long has it been since these concrete structures were assessed by an engineer?” Looks alone can be deceiving. In fact, minor distress on the exterior of concrete structures may appear superficial, but real damage could be occurring below the surface. If left unattended, this damage may lead to more costly repairs. Braun Intertec...
Read More您是否知道在我们的气候中,一些大约10岁的建筑物的屋顶结构,在他们预期存在问题时,较少的年份是失败的?由于2000年建筑码的变化,由于该空间填充玻璃纤维绝缘空间,因此有些建筑物没有在隐藏空间中的喷洒器。这种变化具有在天花板蒸汽延迟器和屋顶甲板之间产生冷凝的意外后果,损坏屋顶结构。了解有这个问题的建筑类型;潜在的水分损伤来源;测量水分积累的工具;如何创建......
Read MoreHow can I protect my business from flood waters? With widespread flooding occurring across the Midwest this spring, worried business owners are likely asking themselves, “How can I protect my business from flood waters?” Before developing your game plan to manage a potential flood, it’s important to keep in mind flooding can take many forms - whether caused by the spring thaw of snow cover, flash flooding or a burst pipe. With wide area river flooding, many properties might be engulfed to a great depth while other properties might be flooded a foot or two above ground level (which means...
Read MoreWith several states already grappling with historic floods, the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicts that more than half of the U.S. is at risk for flooding this spring. Are you prepared for this flood season? We can help. In the webinar, we discuss flood preparedness, environmental disaster relief and how to plan for clean up after the water resides. With some advanced planning, a property owner can reduce their potential risk and make a more rapid recovery. Meet the Speakers Charles Brenner, PE, LEED, AP Vice President - Principal Materials Engineer As a Principal Materials Engineer and Vice...
Read More了解设施资产的绩效和剩余使用寿命可能具有挑战性。如果您拥有不同地理位置的多个建筑物或设施,尤其如此。了解建筑的资产可以提供基准,以优化生命周期成本,并提高组织整个投资组合的设施资产的可靠性。通过建立屋顶资产管理计划,与设施组件(如屋顶)有关的信息使所有者能够在修理或更换/资本支出的决策方面具有更高的准确性和更完整的预测预测。资产管理计划的最重要部分之一是转向......
Read More防止滑动,旅行和跌倒每个雇主都担心防止滑倒和下降以及员工的一般安全以及访问其工作场所的任何客户或客户。许多人不知道是2012年国际建筑守则(IBC)在滑倒和抗抗抵抗力时,某些地板条件和材料所需的内容发生了重大变化。根据职业安全和健康管理局(OSHA)的安全统计数据,令人震惊的是,大约15%的意外死亡与滑倒和跌倒有关,仅次于汽车事故。加入混乱,......
Read MoreBraun Intertec, an engineering, consulting and testing firm with offices throughout the central United States, is pleased to announce Richard McGuire, PE has joined our Kansas City office. McGuire joins Braun Intertec as a senior engineer in the Building Sciences group and brings 40 years of engineering experience in consulting and the construction industry, including structural forensics, restoration engineering and property condition surveys. McGuire also brings an extensive business background with him to Braun Intertec, positioning him as a building sciences and business consultant who will support the strategic goals of our clients. “We are thrilled to welcome Rich to...
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