对于2021年的工程师周,我们致力于在布劳恩Intertec的工程领袖和上行工程领导者,了解更多关于他们的角色,吸引他们对职业以及他们如何指导下一代工程师。雷竞技好Newbee赞助商Chris Calhoun于4月20日加入雷竞技好Newbee赞助商Braun Intertec,拥有13年的经验,包括多学科地理工程领域的技术卓越历史,包括岩土工程设计和咨询实践;雷竞技的电竞比分网地质勘探;和地质蹂躏缓解建设。除了他的岩土工程专业知识之外,克里斯还雷竞技的电竞比分网在项目执行中完成,德克萨斯州的La Porte的一个组成部分......
Read MoreTag:Deep Foundations

成功的项目全部从规划和设计开始,以施工结束,包括每一步的质量计划。对于成功的深度基础项目,这意味着质量控制和保证,以验证设计假设,并确定是否按计划安装了深度基础。为此,我们执行完整性测试,这是一组非破坏性测试,帮助工程师评估了深基础的就地条件。深基础完整性测试最多的测试方法是什么?雷竞技好Newbee赞助商Braun Intertec在驾驶堆的行为以来,钻孔的诚信测试最常进行钻孔,深度基础......
Read More员工所有者聚光灯:Ryan Drury,高级工程师,布卢明顿,MN
We recently met with Ryan Drury, a senior engineer out of our Bloomington, Minnesota office to discuss his expertise in deep foundations and what it means to him to be an employee owner. Tell us a little bit about your background.I started as a co-op in 2007 working out of Bloomington doing concrete and soils testing. Once I got hired on full-time, I headed to our Milwaukee office. I was mainly doing special inspections work with Walmart.After a few years, I moved to the St. Paul, MN office and became a project manager and started working on the geotechnical side of...
Read More深层基础完整性测试网络研讨会:低估的质量保证试验

Deep foundations provide the key support for most heavy structures but how can you confirm your newly installed foundations will function as specified? The answer often is integrity testing, a critical, yet underutilized, test method for projects with deep foundations. Integrity testing is valuable for any kind of deep foundation project which can include, high rises, bridges, transmission poles/towers as well as docks and wharfs. These projects often present numerous factors which can influence the type of integrity test best suited for the project from soil resistance, material properties (strength, density, etc.), reinforcement within the deep foundation, and the length...
Read MoreTom Posey, PE, Joins Braun Intertec in Houston, Texas
Tom Posey, PE, Technical Leader at Braun Intertec Braun Intertec, an engineering, consulting and testing firm with more than 35 offices in seven states, is pleased to announce Tom Posey, PE has joined the Braun Intertec team in Texas. Posey brings 25 years of experience consulting on national and international commercial infrastructure and industrial projects and expertise within construction materials testing, field exploration, laboratory testing, geotechnical engineering design and analysis, QA/QC and project management. “We are thrilled to welcome Tom to our team of employee-owners at Braun Intertec,” said Jon Carlson, Braun Intertec CEO. “His engineering and testing expertise as...
Read More雷竞技好Newbee赞助商Braun Intertec在2019年的深度基金会S3会议上展出
Read More员工所有者聚光灯:遇见约翰霍尔曼
We sat down with Senior Engineer John Holman, who works out of our La Porte, Texas office and specializes in deep foundations engineering to ask him a few questions on his background, expertise, and his time at Braun Intertec. Here’s what he had to say: What is your role at Braun Intertec and what do you specialize in? I am a Senior Engineer and I specialize in deep foundations engineering, construction materials testing, and structures evaluation. When I’m sent out on projects I verify that what is being built (buildings, bridges, oil and gas facilities, etc.) meets the geotechnical and...
Read MoreAmal Dutta, MBA, Ph.D. Joins Braun Intertec in Texas City, Texas
Braun Intertec, an engineering, consulting and testing firm with offices throughout the central United States, is pleased to announce Amal Dutta, MBA, Ph.D., PE has joined our Texas City, Texas office as a principal geotechnical engineer. Dutta brings more than 20 years of leadership and engineering experience in multidisciplinary geoengineering fields, including geotechnical engineering design and consulting practices, geological exploration, mining, geophysics and seismic data analysis. “We are pleased to welcome Amal to our growing Braun Intertec team,” says Jon Carlson, CEO of Braun Intertec. “With his extensive experience in geotechnical investigations for clients in the transportation, industrial, petrochemical, commercial...
Read MoreStructure Support On Laterally Swept Piles

Read More深层基础第二部分:证明他们的力量

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