We recently met with Ken LeBlanc, NDE operations manager, from our La Porte, Texas office to learn about his professional background, expertise in nondestructive testing and what he likes best about being a Braun Intertec employee-owner. Tell us about your background I actually went to school to become a professional journalist but what eventually led me to nondestructive testing (NDT) was my concern for where I lived. When I was younger, I saw how material and process failures caused risks to life, property and futures. I felt a more noble career path would be to work on a team that...
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Meet Our Engineering, Testing and Environmental Consultants in Austin, Texas

Get to know the team We virtually met with two members of the Braun Intertec team in Austin, Texas, Trevor Armstrong (Field Operations Coordinator, Construction Materials Testing) and Sarah Thompson (Group Manager, Permitting and Compliance) to learn more about the culture in our Austin offices, the work they do with our clients and how our Environmental Consulting and Engineering and Testing divisions collaborate and support each other’s projects. The Braun Intertec team in Austin consists of approximately 20 environmental consultants, engineers and construction materials testing technicians located across two offices. Early next year, they will combine into one office location....
Read MoreUsing Nondestructive Testing Techniques to Find Corrosion Under Insulation

How do you find corrosion under insulation (CUI) and what nondestructive testing (NDT) techniques are best? These are questions conscientious system operators should ask when trying to hold off the costly problem of hidden corrosion in their systems. CUI is one of the most difficult corrosion processes to prevent but adoption of proactive measures, such as the development of an inspection program intended to detect early signs of corrosion and mitigate potential piping failures, is critical. In fact, corrosion is so costly that the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) estimates that the global cost of corrosion is approximately $2.5...
Read MoreIndustrial Radiography Safety: Are Digital Radiography Techniques the Solution for Your NDT Operation?

In the nondestructive testing (NDT) field, industrial radiography is, arguably, one of the most expensive methods to perform. With regard to safety, however, it stands alone due to the risk of exposure to ionizing radiation. Many NDT methods share an inherent safety risk due to environmental hazards, but radiography is the only major method with high-dose radiation concerns. Due to the introduction of digital radiography techniques, those concerns are growing smaller with every innovation. Modern equipment reduces the required overall radiation exposure to fractions of the original dose. This reduction in total dose allows the operation to take place in...
Read MoreIs Digital Imaging the Future of NDT

For decades in the Nondestructive Testing (NDT) industry, film has been the Radiographic imaging method of choice. Its evolution and industry competition has driven film into a high quality-level with many options that cover virtually anything requiring radiography. Slow film is used for fine resolution options while faster speeds cover larger or less critical materials. Today, we have many new competitors attempting to dethrone film as the industry king. Many of these options share a single result: digital imaging. The transition from traditional to digital images has been a gradual one with very small leaps and bounds. We’ve all, likely,...
Read MoreSwitching from Traditional Film to Computed Radiography: Is Your Operation Ready?

Throughout my career in NDT consulting, there’s one question that gets asked more frequently as the years go by: “Can our operation change to Computed Radiography?” This question is a bit like asking how a piano works. The basic functions are easily understood, but the actual motions of operation are much more complicated. Like a piano, Computed Radiography has lots of moving parts that are unseen by even a skilled user. Parts that spark little interest from the chair in front of the keyboard. I am no musical master or even a musical novice, however, I can shed light on...
Read MoreComputed Radiography vs. Traditional Film Radiography Webinar: Is Your Operation Ready to Transition?

Do you know if Computed Radiography is right for your operation? With the right set of tools and knowledge, the transition from traditional film to digital is more straightforward than you’d think. With computed radiography rising in popularity, fabricators, constructors, foundries, and manufacturers are learning the value of qualified NDT technicians to implement the cost-saving computed radiography processes. Watch the recorded version of the webinar as our NDT experts, Ken LeBlanc and Wesley Soape from the La Porte, Texas Braun Intertec office, dive into the benefits of computed radiography. Learn more about: The difference between traditional film radiography and computed...
Read MoreEmployee-Owner Spotlight: Wesley Soape, ASNT NDT Level III, La Porte, TX
我们最近会见了卫斯理Soape,水平三世濒死经历Technician out of our La Porte, Texas office to discuss his role in industrial radiography and how he started his path in computed radiography. What is your role at Braun Intertec?I am, officially, a nondestructive examination field technician, but unofficially, I handle Computed Radiography compliance for the Gulf Coast of Texas. Someday I would like to help build a nondestructive testing lab in the La Porte, Texas area. Houston is a great market and our NDT team here is in the process of obtaining the certifications required by the clientele in...
Read MoreEmployee-Owner Spotlight: Pat LaPlante, Level II NDE Technician, Minneapolis, MN
We recently met with Pat LaPlante, Level II NDE Technician out of our Minneapolis, Minnesota office to discuss his role and what he loves about his job. What is your role at Braun Intertec?I’ve grown with Braun Intertec for more than 30 years and have been lucky enough to work on some major projects with my team. My role here is to perform nondestructive testing services on various components in the field and laboratory. Some of my everyday tasks include structural steel inspections, welder certification, bolting inspections, plan detail interpretation, and code book interpretation. I am responsible for communication with subcontractors,...
Read More[OnDemand Webinar] Stadiums and Vertical Structures Webinar: How to Get the Most out of Your Next Structural Steel Inspection

你知道如何英孚吗ficiently integrate a high-caliber structural steel inspection group into the construction of your next vertical structure or stadium? Special inspectors who maintain ICC certification in areas such as structural steel, welding, bolting, and fireproofing are a trove of information and, if well integrated into your project team, can help save time when questions arise during construction or spot issues that would affect the performance or safety of a structure. Watch as our best-in-class structural steel inspectors, Pat LaPlante, ICC-certified inspector and ASNT NDT Level-II and Taylor Carlson, ICC-certified inspector and ASNT NDT Level-II, whose experience...
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