阅读更多在Br雷竞技好Newbee赞助商aun Intertec,我们的顾问练习八种非谈判,这是我们的安全计划的核心。始终会遵循这八个非谈判,以确保我们的员工所有者在他们所做的最前沿有安全。这些非谈判侵入为日常运营奠定了基础,并设计成,如果至少,它们遵循,则会安全地完成工作的高可能性。其中一个非合笔符号是“使用作业的正确工具”。它简短,简单,到了这一点,适用于各种Braun Intertec服务线。雷竞技好Newbee赞助商这...
阅读更多我们最近访问了泰伦斯年轻project site and asked him about his background with Braun Intertec, why he joined the company, our culture of safety and what he’s looking for when he’s filling CMT technician roles in the Beaumont, Texas office. Can you tell us about how long you’ve been with Braun Intertec and what attracted you to the company?I started two years ago in January. I have about twenty years of experience in construction materials testing (CMT) and started out as a senior CMT technician when I joined the Braun Intertec team. One of the reasons...
阅读更多It is human nature that people want to help other people. However, before providing assistance to an injured party, it is important to take a moment to pause and assess any given situation and absorb the details. This is applicable in business and everyday life. When somebody has fallen or is in pain, one’s first instinct is to immediately jump in and help. However, it is crucial to assess the situation to determine if you are potentially exposing yourself to unwanted risks or hazards. If a first responder doesn’t take a moment to evaluate the situation to make sure the...
阅读更多We are few weeks into summer and it’s time to remind your workers about the hazards of heat stress and how to protect themselves from it. Heat-related injuries can be avoided if workers and supervisors are properly trained and know the symptoms and actions to take. There Are Many Factors That Can Cause or Contribute to Heat-Related Illness. Here Are Just a Few: High temperature and humidityLow fluid consumptionDirect sun exposure or extreme heatLimited air movementIncreased or excessive physical exertionBulky protective clothing or equipmentHealth problemsSome medicationsPregnancyFailure to acclimate to hot workplacesPrevious heat-related illness There are four primary health issues that...
阅读更多Noise is one of, if not the most common workplace hazard. OSHA reports that at least 22 million workers are exposed to damaging noise at work each year. Not only can noise permanently damage an employee’s hearing, but it is generally very costly for employers to pay compensation claims for occupational hearing loss. For those reasons, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) mandates that employees exposed to a time-weighted average (TWA) of 85 decibels A-weighted (dBA) for an 8-hour shift shall be put into a hearing conservation program as lined out in 29 CFR §1910.95. At Braun Intertec, we...
阅读更多Imagine there is a crane operator who goes to climb a cab ladder, a task he’s done hundreds of times. But this time, he forgot to maintain three points of contact and slips on the second rung. The operator falls and breaks his leg, and now can’t work for eight weeks. Sound familiar? Most injuries are rarely caused by the tasks typically associated with danger. In reality, most accidents are the result of common hazards workers face on a daily basis. Frequently, it boils down to what the injured party would call a thoughtless mistake, such as forgetting to wear...
阅读更多6月是国家安全月份,在遵守这一重要主题的情况下,我们将在6月份每周发布一篇新的文章,专注于促进安全和健康的工作场所的安全。在此安全系列中签出上周的帖子并留在下一篇文章中进行调整。在Braun Intertec推广就业网站意识我们每天都在工作中雷竞技好Newbee赞助商遇到潜在的危险情况。无论是在德克萨斯州的工作场所,在北达科他州的石油领域还是明尼苏达州的高层建筑,我们总是需要了解周围环境。不仅仅是......