Read More1970年,国家环境政策法(NEPA)要求联邦机构从事审查进程来评估拟议的联邦行动的环境影响,包括对公众的适当披露,并在作出决定之前对这些因素敏感。该过程可以申请各种项目,包括道路,桥梁,石油和天然气管道,能源项目,宽带基础设施和水基础设施,以及影响森林管理和野火保护。如果联邦行动涉及发行,则NEPA下的环境评论适用于联邦项目以及私营项目......
Read MoreMy favorite shows to watch on television are home renovation programs. You know the shows where a young family buys the worst house on the block and the entire episode features them turning this house into their dream home? Most of these episodes are highly dramatic. The couples is in the middle of renovating and find out that they don’t have the proper permits or they start opening the walls and find surprises like bad wiring, leaking plumbing, or asbestos. Because of these issues they are now overbudget, delayed, and now must live in their parent’s basement for another couple...
Read More我们最近与Jackie Dylla谈到了更多关于她作为环境集团副总裁和主要科学家领导人的新角色。我们向她询问了她的背景,她对解决问题的方法,以及对刚开始职业生涯的人的建议。您在Braun Intertec的目前的作用是什么?雷竞技好Newbee赞助商我是中西部环境集团的副总裁和主要科学家领导,负责在运输项目上增长和交付。目前,我监督了十名员工业主的工作人员,他们几乎完全致力于运输和其他走廊类型项目。我也担任环境的领导者/技术......
Read More我们最近与Scott Mackiewicz谈到了更多地了解他作为副总裁和重型铁路领导的新角色。我们向他询问了他的背景,他喜欢在布劳恩Intertec和他的新角色工作,以及他对刚开始职业生涯的建议。雷竞技好Newbee赞助商您在Braun Intertec的目前的作用是什么?雷竞技好Newbee赞助商目前,我是Braun Intertec National Reall Group的副总裁和领导者。雷竞技好Newbee赞助商我们为在美国西部的1级和短线铁路提供工程和施工管理服务,一路从伊利诺伊到蒙大拿...雷电竞首页
Read MoreWe recently spoke with Charles Cadenhead to learn more about his new role as Vice President and leader of our transportation market. We asked him about his background, what he enjoys about working at Braun Intertec in his new role, and his advice for those just starting their career. What is your current role at Braun Intertec?I’m a vice president and the lead for our transportation market, which means I am responsible for collaborating and engaging with clients and professionals in our organization to grow transportation projects and our transportation business. I work closely with Scott Beadleston, our senior vice...
Read MorePictured above: Don Theisen, Washington County Public Works Director, and Bob Janssen, President and Principal Engineer at Braun Intertec. Congratulations to Bob Janssen, President of Braun Intertec, for receiving the “Friend of Minnesota Counties Award” from the Minnesota County Engineers Association (MCEA), an association of county engineers from each of Minnesota’s 87 counties who work to promote their profession and uphold the engineering code of ethics. The "Friend of Minnesota Counties Award" is presented at the MCEA Annual Banquet to an individual who upholds the engineering code of ethics and has served Minnesota counties with excellence in supporting transportation endeavors...
Read More雷竞技好Newbee赞助商Braun Intertec很高兴地宣布,PE担任Charles Cadenhead,加入了我们的团队作为校长和明尼苏达州交通部门。领导我们的明尼苏达州运输业务,查尔斯将协助提供与公共相关建筑服务的优质举措,以及与明尼苏达州和中西部的交通有关的业务发展追求。雷电竞首页查尔斯在运输工程的各个方面带来了25年的经验,包括规划,设计,建筑和维护。Charles为明尼苏达交通部工程师和建筑经理的重要经验,为明尼苏达州的交通需求提供独特的洞察力。最近,查尔斯担任助理......
Read MoreJune is National Safety month, and in observance of this important topic we will post a new article each week in June that focuses on safety to promote a safe and healthy workplace. Check out the previous weekly post to read about this year's safety month series. Did you know there are more than 250 active roadway work zones scheduled throughout the state of Minnesota for the 2018 construction season? (Source) From my vantage as the Transportation Market Division Leader at Braun Intertec, I see that our coworkers and clients are frequently on the front lines of active work zones where...
Read MoreBraun Intertec, an engineering, consulting and testing firm with offices throughout the central United States, is pleased to announce Amal Dutta, MBA, Ph.D., PE has joined our Texas City, Texas office as a principal geotechnical engineer. Dutta brings more than 20 years of leadership and engineering experience in multidisciplinary geoengineering fields, including geotechnical engineering design and consulting practices, geological exploration, mining, geophysics and seismic data analysis. “We are pleased to welcome Amal to our growing Braun Intertec team,” says Jon Carlson, CEO of Braun Intertec. “With his extensive experience in geotechnical investigations for clients in the transportation, industrial, petrochemical, commercial...
Read MoreIn the Minneapolis/St. Paul area, the I-35W corridor between downtown Minneapolis and Lakeville is one of the most heavily traveled, serving approximately 200,000 vehicles per day. It is also one of the busiest transit corridors in the state of Minnesota, serving approximately 15,000 bus riders per day. The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) has recently begun a four-year project to improve the nine-lane artery, immediately south of downtown Minneapolis. To keep the project on schedule, MnDOT allowed the contractors (Ames/Lunda/Shafer Joint Venture) a full weekend closure in early October. The contractor reserved the weekend for complex and time-sensitive work activities,...
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