在Br雷竞技好Newbee赞助商aun Intertec,我们的顾问练习八种非谈判,这是我们的安全计划的核心。始终会遵循这八个非谈判,以确保我们的员工所有者在他们所做的最前沿有安全。这些非谈判界限为此奠定了基础日常的operations and are designed so that if, at a minimum, they are followed, there is a high likelihood of completing the job at hand safely.
其中一个非合笔符号是“使用作业的正确工具”。它简短,简单,到了这一点,适用于各种Braun Intertec服务线。雷竞技好Newbee赞助商这适用于岩土电解测试等物理服务,钻探,修复和建筑材料雷电竞首页测试,适用于我们的检验,监测雷竞技的电竞比分网和评估服务以及我们的日常办公室工作。
Each workplace has specific practices that carry a unique set of hazards — with some bearing more catastrophic risk than others. For companies whose facilities face the risk of unexpected releases of toxic, reactive, or flammable liquids and gases in processes involving highly hazardous chemicals, OSHA has issued the Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemical standard (29 CFR 1910.119.)。该规定调查所有涉及处理,使用,储存,移动或制造高度危险化学品的过程,并用作整合管理实践,日常程序和工具和技术的综合分析工具。
One of the most important elements of process safety management is a process hazard analysis (PHA). A PHA is a set of systematically designed assessments, by employers, of potential hazards associated with the processing and handling of highly hazardous chemicals in the industrial process. This can include major hazardous chemical spills, smaller chemical releases, fires, and explosions. PHA can have various methods which are used to design distinct solutions to specific high-risk scenarios possible in the workplace.
- 什么方法
- 清单
- “什么 - 如果是什么”的清单
- 危险和可操作性(HAZOP)方法
- 失效方法和效果分析(FMEA)
- Fault Tree Analysis (FHA)
While the various PHA methods are all essentially variations of “what-if” questions that direct discussion, some prefer to use a Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) approach; some prefer the what-if checklist/assessment approach; and others prefer the Failure Method and Effect Analysis (FMEA) method among others. Over the past few years, Braun Intertec has begun using a combination of the HAZOP and what-if checklist approach and it has proven to be an effective and complementary duo for identifying hazards, potential outcomes, safeguards, and ranking risk. We will discuss these two approaches in this blog.
“What-If” Checklist

Hazop的缺点和什么 - 如果清单
Another issue that can come up when performing the PHA is appropriately adjusting the risk of an activity based on the safeguards in place. For this case, we like to use a risk modifier that lowers the associated risk based on the controls in place. Therefore, an identified hazard with no safeguards may have a much higher risk than one with engineering and administrative safeguards in place. This can also take the ambiguity out of lowering risk based on likelihood and severity, since these will stay the same only the risk modifier is changed. Using the risk matrix above, the table below shows how the risk modifier can be used:

There are many tools available to conduct your PHA and depending on your process, you may determine one tool works better than others. Additionally, you may be able to find generic what-if checklist questions to get you started.
除了HAZOP和WHAR-IF核对表方法之外,还有许多不同的工具可用于完成PHA。了解正在评估的流程,客户,期望,客户的风险公差非常重要,因为您开始并与您的PHA向前迈进。雷竞技好Newbee赞助商Braun Intertec可以帮助您使用您的PHA并帮助您为工作选择合适的工具。
Join us for our environmental webinar, RMP/PSM: Identifying the Likelihood of Hazardous Events in Your Facility, on November 19th with柯南芦苇,GSP和Nick Foreman,CSP,我们将讨论PSM / RMP计划,审计和培训,实施和最佳方法,用于减少危险和停机时间,同时优化日常运营中的生产力和安全性。