As we know, northern winters in the U.S. can be brutally cold, snowy, or mild with little to no snow. Preparing your site to handle the winter will greatly reduce your stormwater best management practice (BMP) maintenance and allow a quicker return to work come spring. Here are a few tips and tricks project owners and supervisors should be considering:
2.种子和卷曲稻草是recommended temporary stabilization technique for nearly all scenarios. Ensure the straw is properly crimped into thawed ground before freezing up conditions. October 15this a key date to finish stabilizing soils in preparation for winter.
一种。If winter has snuck up on you, stabilization is still required, but techniques change. Crimping is difficult or impossible after the ground freezes. The明尼苏达州Stormwater Manualhas some great resources on snow mulching where they detail how to stabilize after winter has set in.
4. Consider plow routes and locations where snow will be stored throughout your project site (if needed). Ensure perimeter controls will not be damaged as snow piles grow and melt run-off may concentrate and overwhelm BMPs.
5. If sanding and/or salting operations will occur on your site, consider the downstream cumulative effects to vegetation, soils, and permanent stormwater management features that are not fully constructed or established. Potential upgradient BMPs to divert flows from these areas may need to be installed before freeze up.
b. If any inlet protections are removed, or BMPs in general are moved or removed, documentation in the SWPPP is required.
8.检查可以暂停 - 如果没有发生地面干扰,您的网站已经冻结了地面条件。但是,如果发生热身,每周检查确实需要再次启动。
一种。Additionally, if ground conditions remain frozen, but a day or two of warm weather occurs — after runoff, or post-storm event inspections, are required within 24 hours of the event. Runoff is defined as precipitation or melt water moving on site far enough to discharge from the site either via a perimeter control, or a permanent stormwater system.

Jamie DaytonStaff Scientist, Stormwater Specialist
P: 952-995-2000E:[电子邮件受保护]
Travis Fristed, PWSGroup Manager, Senior Scientist
P: 952.995.2027E:[电子邮件受保护]